Sunday, April 2, 2017

Well, this is awkward! From accidental stranger contact to being the third wheel, are these the most toe-curling photos EVER?

  • MailOnline Travel has rounded up awkward scenarios from around the world
  • One captures a man who has mistaken someone else's foot for a chair
  • Others include people who don't seem comfortable with being the third wheel
We've all been there - stuck in a situation so awkward the mere memory prompts a shudder.
So we can only sympathize with the victims captured in these scenarios, rounded up from around the world by MailOnline Travel. 
One depicts a man seemingly in church who has mistaken someone's foot for the back of a chair. Clearly in this case, the acceptable time window in which to inform him had passed. 
Another captures a solo woman posing awkwardly for a photo in the pool while a couple kiss passionately in the background. The situation in this instance is further elevated when she is whacked in the face by a beach ball. 
Other examples include a gentlemen demonstrating one of the most awkward leg lunges of all time as he tries to wrestle his way to the front of the bar, and a woman suffering an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction.
If you can make it through these photos without cringing at least once, you are a strong human indeed. 
In for the long haul: There comes a point when too much time has passed to point out of the awkwardness of a situation. This is one of them
In for the long haul: There comes a point when too much time has passed to point out of the awkwardness of a situation. This is one of them
Good times: Most people will at some point in their lives have been the odd one out at a party lurking in the corner like this balloon-clutcher
Good times: Most people will at some point in their lives have been the odd one out at a party lurking in the corner like this balloon-clutcher
Jungle: This image of a men's bathroom buried behind a sea of bras was captioned - 'Not an easy journey for the socially awkward'
Jungle: This image of a men's bathroom buried behind a sea of bras was captioned - 'Not an easy journey for the socially awkward'
One year on from the most awkward Come Dine with Me moment ever!
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Game face: This London Underground passenger is putting a brave face on the fact that he is wedged between a gaggle of people dressed in 'plague doctor' costumes
Game face: This London Underground passenger is putting a brave face on the fact that he is wedged between a gaggle of people dressed in 'plague doctor' costumes
The lunge: This could perhaps be the most awkward bar lean ever witnessed, showcased by a men eager to place his order
The lunge: This could perhaps be the most awkward bar lean ever witnessed, showcased by a men eager to place his order
Creepy hand: The plane passenger who shared this calamity wrote of it - 'Experienced an awkward new circle of Dante's travel Hell this year'
Creepy hand: The plane passenger who shared this calamity wrote of it - 'Experienced an awkward new circle of Dante's travel Hell this year'
Would you have told her? This horror show of a situation in which a woman on a bus was spotted with a condom wrapper in her hair was captioned - 'Walk of shame, expert level'
Would you have told her? This horror show of a situation in which a woman on a bus was spotted with a condom wrapper in her hair was captioned - 'Walk of shame, expert level'
Social media faux pas: Whoever posted this Facebook profile picture with the caption - 'The Grand Canyon changed my life' - seemingly wasn't being entirely authentic 
Social media faux pas: Whoever posted this Facebook profile picture with the caption - 'The Grand Canyon changed my life' - seemingly wasn't being entirely authentic 
Double whammy: Not only is this poor woman stuck as the third wheel in this pool scenario, she's been hit in the face with a beach ball to top it all off 
Double whammy: Not only is this poor woman stuck as the third wheel in this pool scenario, she's been hit in the face with a beach ball to top it all off 
Wardrobe malfunction: The woman who shared this snap captioned it - 'That awkward moment when your shirt is supposed to say Canada'
Wardrobe malfunction: The woman who shared this snap captioned it - 'That awkward moment when your shirt is supposed to say Canada'
Unimpressed: This can't have been a particularly breezy conversation, between a Native American and a man sporting a headdress seen by many as being politically incorrect
Unimpressed: This can't have been a particularly breezy conversation, between a Native American and a man sporting a headdress seen by many as being politically incorrect
Smile through it: Obviously this dog is not actually feeling awkward. He's a dog. But he's certainly illustrating the emotion well enough
Smile through it: Obviously this dog is not actually feeling awkward. He's a dog. But he's certainly illustrating the emotion well enough
Oops: This image was captioned - 'That awkward moment when the shadow of Thor's hammer makes it look like Stan Lee peed his pants'
Oops: This image was captioned - 'That awkward moment when the shadow of Thor's hammer makes it look like Stan Lee peed his pants'
Nothing to see here: This photographer captioned his priceless snap - 'I had an awkward encounter with a squirrel at work the other day'
Nothing to see here: This photographer captioned his priceless snap - 'I had an awkward encounter with a squirrel at work the other day'
Fashion fail: The woman in this restaurant is clearly less than enamored by the cringe-inducing T-Shirt worn by the gentleman behind her 
Fashion fail: The woman in this restaurant is clearly less than enamored by the cringe-inducing T-Shirt worn by the gentleman behind her 
That old chestnut: This young lady captured a situation in which both she and a 'cute boy' were stealthily snapping a candid shot using the same trick
That old chestnut: This young lady captured a situation in which both she and a 'cute boy' were stealthily snapping a candid shot using the same trick
Cola wars: This was captioned - 'My campus is switching to Pepsi after 33 years. That awkward moment when your new girlfriend is moving in while your ex is moving out'
Cola wars: This was captioned - 'My campus is switching to Pepsi after 33 years. That awkward moment when your new girlfriend is moving in while your ex is moving out'
Moments before disaster: This chap looks awkward enough as it is and he hasn't even witnessed the birthday cake hit the floor yet
Moments before disaster: This chap looks awkward enough as it is and he hasn't even witnessed the birthday cake hit the floor yet
Stunt double: According to the uploader, this restaurant in Japan 'tries to make dining alone less awkward by seating patrons with giant stuffed animals'
Stunt double: According to the uploader, this restaurant in Japan 'tries to make dining alone less awkward by seating patrons with giant stuffed animals'
Twinning: Whether this man was actually the model used in this Australian Crime Stoppers poster or just a highly convincing doppelganger - it's got embarrassment potential 
Twinning: Whether this man was actually the model used in this Australian Crime Stoppers poster or just a highly convincing doppelganger - it's got embarrassment potential 

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