Saturday, February 18, 2017

From washing machine fires to make-believe girlfriends: Some of Snapchat's most embarrassing 'life fails' that have taken the internet by storm 

In the days before electronic technology and social media, humanity's most embarrassing moments could often be swept under the rug and forgotten.
But now, they are often immortalised by the camera phone and splashed on the internet for the whole world to see.
From the slapstick to the downright idiotic, some of the most hilarious 'life fails' have been doing the rounds on Snapchat recently.
Below are some examples of the best, or worst, of embarrassing gaffes that have ended up online, for your enjoyment.
They include a grandmother shouting at a pelican, to a first-time washing machine user setting their appliance on fire. 
This won't wash: We're not entirely sure how this bathroom handyman thought customers were going to clean their hands after he stuck a solid bar of soap in a dispenser that is obviously meant for liquid
This won't wash: We're not entirely sure how this bathroom handyman thought customers were going to clean their hands after he stuck a solid bar of soap in a dispenser that is obviously meant for liquid
This lady has got dressed up for a saucy evening in with her man, but he seems entirely more occupied with his virtual football match
This are in fact not a couple at all, but a man pretending his 'girlfriend' has taken a picture of him. On reflection, he probably should have paid more attention to the mirror in the background
Couple problems: The lady on the left has got dressed up for a saucy evening in with her man, but he seems entirely more occupied with his virtual football match. Meanwhile the couple on the right are in fact not a couple at all, but a man pretending his 'girlfriend' has taken a picture of him. On reflection, he probably should have paid more attention to the mirror in the background
Ropy parenting: This father clearly had the best intentions at heart when he decided to give his little girl a piggyback on a rope swing at a children's play area, but the inevitable happened and the youngster can be seen in an 'after' photo with her head stuck in the foam blocks below as her legs flail helplessly above the surface
Ropy parenting: This father clearly had the best intentions at heart when he decided to give his little girl a piggyback on a rope swing at a children's play area, but the inevitable happened and the youngster can be seen in an 'after' photo with her head stuck in the foam blocks below as her legs flail helplessly above the surface
Not only did this Snapchat user manage to setting the washing machine , but clearly thought to take his hilarious photo before attempting to put it out
A kitchen explosion has caused stains to fly all over the walls and ceiling, in which a pan lid has somehow been lodged
Blaze of laundry: Not only did the Snapchat user on the left manage to setting the washing machine , but clearly thought to take his hilarious photo before attempting to put it out. On the right, a kitchen explosion has caused stains to fly all over the walls and ceiling, in which a pan lid has somehow been lodged
Access denied: This brazen message from one Playstation user to another was never likely to work. It is not known if the two know each other, but the Snapchat caption would suggest not
Access denied: This brazen message from one Playstation user to another was never likely to work. It is not known if the two know each other, but the Snapchat caption would suggest not
The pelican on the left appears to be bowing its head as it receives a irate lambasting from a grandmother it has just bitten during a trip to the seafront
We can only assume this woman prepared the food on the right is not a smoker
Pecking order: The pelican on the left appears to be bowing its head as it receives a irate lambasting from a grandmother it has just bitten during a trip to the seafront. Meanwhile, we can only assume the woman who had prepared the food on the right is not a smoker
Odd one out: This hungry diner was placed at number 139 in the queue, but was clearly unamused when numbers 140 and 141 were allowed to skip in front of him in the queue, with his food nowhere to be seen
Odd one out: This hungry diner was placed at number 139 in the queue, but was clearly unamused when numbers 140 and 141 were allowed to skip in front of him in the queue, with his food nowhere to be seen
An unlucky cook was making a pot of vegetables and beef when the bottom broke off spilling the dinner all over the stove
Someone panicked when they saw a bee in their card flinging their fast food all over the car
Food fiasco: An unlucky cook was making a pot of vegetables and beef when the bottom broke off, spilling the dinner all over the stove. On the right, someone panicked when they saw a bee in their car, flinging their fast food all over the vehicle
Good effort: A school proved they might not be the smartest ones in the district with this medal/metal mix-up 
Good effort: A school proved they might not be the smartest ones in the district with this medal/metal mix-up 
This driver's commute is about to be much more difficult.
Their situation looks a bit more dangerous considering their engine burst into flames
Car trouble: This driver on the left is about to have a tricky commute. As for the one on the right, their situation looks a bit more dangerous considering their engine has burst into flames
Should I tell him?: An old man's dog seems to be taking a swim without the knowledge of its owner
Should I tell him?: An old man's dog seems to be taking a swim without the knowledge of its owner
Awkward:  This woman is having an embarrassing day after an unfortunate slip of the tongue in front of teens
Awkward:  This woman is having an embarrassing day after an unfortunate slip of the tongue in front of teens
A Snapchat user makes light of what is clearly an expensive mistake by showing off their completely destroyed flat screen
A Snapchat user makes light of what is clearly an expensive mistake by showing off their completely destroyed flat screen
How to NOT pass your driver's test 101: This new driver inexplicably crashed their car in a nearly empty parking lot
How to NOT pass your driver's test 101: This new driver inexplicably crashed their car in a nearly empty parking lot
Life comes at you fast: One Snapchat user was excited to eat their giant spiral of ice cream only to have their dreams crushed
Life comes at you fast: One Snapchat user was excited to eat their giant spiral of ice cream only to have their dreams crushed
No thanks: The unfortunate shrubbery growth may have deterred people interested in learning about canals
No thanks: The unfortunate shrubbery growth may have deterred people interested in learning about canals
Time to rethink the wedding monogram: This couple should reconsider how they are going to arrange their initials before they print out their wedding invitations
Time to rethink the wedding monogram: This couple should reconsider how they are going to arrange their initials before they print out their wedding invitations
Lasagna saga: One unlucky cook went through a roller coaster of emotions while trying to make a lasagna  
Lasagna saga: One unlucky cook went through a roller coaster of emotions while trying to make a lasagna  
Hmm really?: This poster creator might want to make better choices and rethink this factually inaccurate slogan
Hmm really?: This poster creator might want to make better choices and rethink this factually inaccurate slogan
Invisible: This high schooler's yearbook photo is non-existent because of the awkward book binding
Invisible: This high schooler's yearbook photo is non-existent because of the awkward book binding
Too hot to handle: The cold ice glass was too much of a cold shock for this hot glass table in this cautionary Snapchat
Too hot to handle: The cold ice glass was too much of a cold shock for this hot glass table in this cautionary Snapchat
REKT: This vanity license plate is  a hilariously accurate fit for this Toyota's condition
REKT: This vanity license plate is a hilariously accurate fit for this Toyota's condition
At least those clothes will be clean?: A Snapchat user shows someone used a bit too much detergent in this unfortunate laundry mishap
At least those clothes will be clean?: A Snapchat user shows someone used a bit too much detergent in this unfortunate laundry mishap
A Snapchater shows how their mom thinks she is charging her phone when she really just has the audio jack plugged in
This snap shows someone having a bad day after dropping their last roll of toilet paper in the bowl
A bad morning: On the left, a Snapchatter shows how their mom thinks she is charging her phone when she really just has the audio jack plugged in. The right side shows someone having a bad day after dropping their last roll of toilet paper in the bowl

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