Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mystery Artist Wanksy Paints Penises Around Potholes To Get Them Fixed (NSFW)

Armed with a can of washable spray paint, an artist in Greater Manchester, England, has embarked on a worthy crusade: to rid the region of potholes… by drawing penises on them.
The anonymous artist, who goes by the name “Wanksy,” told the Manchester Evening News that he decided to draw attention to the “appalling” pothole-ridden streets after some of his cyclist friends were badly injured on the roads.
“I wanted to attract attention to the pothole and make it memorable. Nothing seemed to do this better than a giant comedy phallus,” he said. “It’s also speedy, I don’t want to be in the road for a long time. It seems to have become my signature. I just want to make people smile and draw attention to the problem.”
The artist, who uses non-permanent paint that he says washes out within a week or two, told BBC Newsbeat that his scheme has proven successful so far, with potholes apparently getting fixed more quickly.
“People will drive over the same pothole and forget about it,” he said. “Suddenly you draw something amusing around it, everyone sees it and it either gets reported or fixed.”
Wanksy, whose pseudonym was inspired by street artist Banksy, has apparently won himself many fans for his antics. The local government, however, is not amused.
A council spokesman in Bury, a town in Greater Manchester, told the Evening News that the artist’s actions “are not only stupid but incredibly insulting to local residents.
“Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school? Not only is this vandalism, but it’s also counter-productive,” the spokesman said. “Every penny that we have to spend cleaning off this graffiti is a penny less that we have to spend on actually repairing the potholes.”

Well, this is awkward! From accidental stranger contact to being the third wheel, are these the most toe-curling photos EVER?

  • MailOnline Travel has rounded up awkward scenarios from around the world
  • One captures a man who has mistaken someone else's foot for a chair
  • Others include people who don't seem comfortable with being the third wheel
We've all been there - stuck in a situation so awkward the mere memory prompts a shudder.
So we can only sympathize with the victims captured in these scenarios, rounded up from around the world by MailOnline Travel. 
One depicts a man seemingly in church who has mistaken someone's foot for the back of a chair. Clearly in this case, the acceptable time window in which to inform him had passed. 
Another captures a solo woman posing awkwardly for a photo in the pool while a couple kiss passionately in the background. The situation in this instance is further elevated when she is whacked in the face by a beach ball. 
Other examples include a gentlemen demonstrating one of the most awkward leg lunges of all time as he tries to wrestle his way to the front of the bar, and a woman suffering an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction.
If you can make it through these photos without cringing at least once, you are a strong human indeed. 
In for the long haul: There comes a point when too much time has passed to point out of the awkwardness of a situation. This is one of them
In for the long haul: There comes a point when too much time has passed to point out of the awkwardness of a situation. This is one of them
Good times: Most people will at some point in their lives have been the odd one out at a party lurking in the corner like this balloon-clutcher
Good times: Most people will at some point in their lives have been the odd one out at a party lurking in the corner like this balloon-clutcher
Jungle: This image of a men's bathroom buried behind a sea of bras was captioned - 'Not an easy journey for the socially awkward'
Jungle: This image of a men's bathroom buried behind a sea of bras was captioned - 'Not an easy journey for the socially awkward'
One year on from the most awkward Come Dine with Me moment ever!
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Game face: This London Underground passenger is putting a brave face on the fact that he is wedged between a gaggle of people dressed in 'plague doctor' costumes
Game face: This London Underground passenger is putting a brave face on the fact that he is wedged between a gaggle of people dressed in 'plague doctor' costumes
The lunge: This could perhaps be the most awkward bar lean ever witnessed, showcased by a men eager to place his order
The lunge: This could perhaps be the most awkward bar lean ever witnessed, showcased by a men eager to place his order
Creepy hand: The plane passenger who shared this calamity wrote of it - 'Experienced an awkward new circle of Dante's travel Hell this year'
Creepy hand: The plane passenger who shared this calamity wrote of it - 'Experienced an awkward new circle of Dante's travel Hell this year'
Would you have told her? This horror show of a situation in which a woman on a bus was spotted with a condom wrapper in her hair was captioned - 'Walk of shame, expert level'
Would you have told her? This horror show of a situation in which a woman on a bus was spotted with a condom wrapper in her hair was captioned - 'Walk of shame, expert level'
Social media faux pas: Whoever posted this Facebook profile picture with the caption - 'The Grand Canyon changed my life' - seemingly wasn't being entirely authentic 
Social media faux pas: Whoever posted this Facebook profile picture with the caption - 'The Grand Canyon changed my life' - seemingly wasn't being entirely authentic 
Double whammy: Not only is this poor woman stuck as the third wheel in this pool scenario, she's been hit in the face with a beach ball to top it all off 
Double whammy: Not only is this poor woman stuck as the third wheel in this pool scenario, she's been hit in the face with a beach ball to top it all off 
Wardrobe malfunction: The woman who shared this snap captioned it - 'That awkward moment when your shirt is supposed to say Canada'
Wardrobe malfunction: The woman who shared this snap captioned it - 'That awkward moment when your shirt is supposed to say Canada'
Unimpressed: This can't have been a particularly breezy conversation, between a Native American and a man sporting a headdress seen by many as being politically incorrect
Unimpressed: This can't have been a particularly breezy conversation, between a Native American and a man sporting a headdress seen by many as being politically incorrect
Smile through it: Obviously this dog is not actually feeling awkward. He's a dog. But he's certainly illustrating the emotion well enough
Smile through it: Obviously this dog is not actually feeling awkward. He's a dog. But he's certainly illustrating the emotion well enough
Oops: This image was captioned - 'That awkward moment when the shadow of Thor's hammer makes it look like Stan Lee peed his pants'
Oops: This image was captioned - 'That awkward moment when the shadow of Thor's hammer makes it look like Stan Lee peed his pants'
Nothing to see here: This photographer captioned his priceless snap - 'I had an awkward encounter with a squirrel at work the other day'
Nothing to see here: This photographer captioned his priceless snap - 'I had an awkward encounter with a squirrel at work the other day'
Fashion fail: The woman in this restaurant is clearly less than enamored by the cringe-inducing T-Shirt worn by the gentleman behind her 
Fashion fail: The woman in this restaurant is clearly less than enamored by the cringe-inducing T-Shirt worn by the gentleman behind her 
That old chestnut: This young lady captured a situation in which both she and a 'cute boy' were stealthily snapping a candid shot using the same trick
That old chestnut: This young lady captured a situation in which both she and a 'cute boy' were stealthily snapping a candid shot using the same trick
Cola wars: This was captioned - 'My campus is switching to Pepsi after 33 years. That awkward moment when your new girlfriend is moving in while your ex is moving out'
Cola wars: This was captioned - 'My campus is switching to Pepsi after 33 years. That awkward moment when your new girlfriend is moving in while your ex is moving out'
Moments before disaster: This chap looks awkward enough as it is and he hasn't even witnessed the birthday cake hit the floor yet
Moments before disaster: This chap looks awkward enough as it is and he hasn't even witnessed the birthday cake hit the floor yet
Stunt double: According to the uploader, this restaurant in Japan 'tries to make dining alone less awkward by seating patrons with giant stuffed animals'
Stunt double: According to the uploader, this restaurant in Japan 'tries to make dining alone less awkward by seating patrons with giant stuffed animals'
Twinning: Whether this man was actually the model used in this Australian Crime Stoppers poster or just a highly convincing doppelganger - it's got embarrassment potential 
Twinning: Whether this man was actually the model used in this Australian Crime Stoppers poster or just a highly convincing doppelganger - it's got embarrassment potential 

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